Contatto Stampare


  • Gatto
  • Razza : Gatto europeo
  • Sesso : Femmina
  • Taglia : 55cm
  • Peso : 5kg
  • Colore : Tigrato / Bianco
  • Microchip : Si
  • Castrato : Si

Visto l'ultima volta

Aderrig Pk,
K78 T1F2 Lucan

Scomparso in un posto nuovo (per andare avanti)


  • The last one third of her tail wilts down.

Confrontare con un altro avviso

PetAlert Irlanda
The alert was started. Thank you to bring your help.
PetAlert - 03.07.2024 - 23:07

I forgot to add, She can’t meow properly, she’s got horse voice. Thank you
Kozenkai - 03.07.2024 - 23:59

The alert was started. Thank you to bring your help.
PetAlert - 05.07.2024 - 10:36

The alert was started. Thank you to bring your help.
PetAlert - 05.07.2024 - 10:46

The alert was started. Thank you to bring your help.
PetAlert - 05.07.2024 - 10:56

The alert was started. Thank you to bring your help.
PetAlert - 05.07.2024 - 11:15

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